In case you missed my last post (or haven’t be subjected to my spamming on Facebook and Twitter), I’m a semi-finalist in a huge YouTube contest I’ll let you read the origina post for more details about what I’ll win and everything — this is mostly a reminder to you RSS and email subscribers to keep voting for me every day through Friday!
Why I’m doing this
The reason I feel like I’m spamming everyone with reminders to vote is because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be given a platform of literally millions of people on YouTube to share Christ, specifically with teenagers who are hurting and struggling. The best part about it is, YouTube pays me to do it! If this all works out, my full-time job is to be youth pastor on YouTube. How cool is that?! Combine that with being a super-volunteer at a local church’s youth ministry and I feel like it’s a combination between my dream jobs!
My vision behind Youth Questions
I’m pushing the Youth Questions channel where we answer teenagers’ questions about the hard stuff they’re going through in life. I have so many ideas for this channel, but most of them would require full-time attention and the financial backing of YouTube to really pull it off. RIght now it’s basically me and several other youth workers combining our advice together in a video to answer questions teenagers submit. Two weeks ago we talked about depression, last week we talked about bullying, this week is about cutting and suicide, and next week is about improving your relationship with your parents.
But if I had the time and finances to really invest into this, it could grow to become something that’s even more engaging, entertaining and helpful. I have ideas for creative interviews with “experts” in different areas of youth issues that are both entertaining and helpful, ways to have teenagers engaged with their own video submissions, skits, short-film reenactments of teenagers struggling with something and how they handle it, etc.
This could be an amazing opportunity for helping so many teenagers hear Godly voices and influences about the real issues they’re experiencing every day.
If you haven’t checked out the Youth Questions channel on YouTube yet, it’s
So please vote daily!
Please vote every day until April 8th and hopefully we can bring a Christ-centered message to impact teens all over the world through online video!! Get your youth group kids and everyone else to vote every day, as well. Help me spread the word! If I make it into the top 50, then YouTube employees will judge the video submissions on several different criterion and pick 25 winners. So I have to be in the top 50 of the 148 who made it to the semi-finals. The competition is extremely tough, so please vote!
And remember, you can vote every day until Friday, April 8!
I created an event on Facebook for you guys to “attend” and invite your friends to in order to help spread the word. Thanks!